Finally, we’ve made it to the end of another summer and are more than ready to enjoy the cooler days! While Southern AZ gets a lot of attention for the hot days, the weather swings to freezing just as quickly.

Freezing temps? What does this mean for your fountain?
For cold nights we follow the 4 P’s (People, Pipes, Plants and Pets). Your fountain is in the Pipe category of that warning. Any water left in the fountain can cause structural damage to the bowls. How? Even the most smooth, stained/painted concrete is porous and holds water within its structure. If water were to freeze within the pores it can create fractures, visible and deep inside. This damage is called “scaling”, it can be recognized with shards or flakes of concrete coming off the bowls/pedestals. What does this do? It compromises the integrity of the fountain or worse, ultimately crack the concrete.

How can I keep my fountain safe?
Keep up to date on your weather reports for your area, this way you can drain and give your fountain a few days to dry out. Once nice and dry, some manufacturers recommend you add absorbent material to each tier, this will help prevent water from condensing or collecting when you’ve worked so hard to dry it out. Burlap bags work great for this task, we have them on hand and free! One final step is to cover your fountain, keeping it clear of winter rain and resulting debris. We have fountain covers that make this important step a breeze.

From all of us at Zona Fountains, we wish you a wonderful Winter season, and many years of enjoyment from your fountain! Thanks for shopping local Southern AZ!